绿龙公司是格瑞克(中国)的母公司,已在英国伦敦AIM市场成功上市。绿龙公司在中国的经营活动是以其子公司格瑞克的名义开展的,致力于在中国境内专业从事天然气产业。 作为一家外资燃气供应商,绿龙公司专注于煤层天然气(俗称为煤层瓦斯或煤层气)的勘探、开发、生产与销售。公司旨在不断强化其垂直一体化的综合开发程度。 格瑞克(中国)是中国境内煤层气勘探开发的先锋,它在山西、江西、安徽和贵州等6个项目(总面积7589平方公里,预测气体储量22万亿立方英尺)拥有自有煤层气气源。采出气体后,公司以CNG压缩天然气为主,PNG管道天然气为辅的方式将之销售给市场用户。 在中国,格瑞克公司与中联煤层气有限责任公司(一家国有煤层气公司)通力合作,旨在发展壮大我们自有的煤层气储备,并遵循与其签订的产品分成合同,享有开发项目的开采权。 格瑞克(郑州)煤层气技术服务有限公司,作为钻井平台的分支,是位于郑州的整个格瑞克公司上游业务的运营中心。公司已从美国进口了五台钻机并聘请了150位专业技术人员,且已有效的规避了各种钻井成本提高的风险。目前格瑞克(郑州)煤层气技术服务有限公司的各台钻机及技术人员已完全到位。 格瑞克制造公司则是一家颇具效益的CNG加气机、站点及相关服务的供应商。本公司生产的加气机为“CLEAN”牌,目前生产能力为300台以上,今后,将随着中国市场需求的增加而提高。 格瑞克信息技术服务公司是一家致力于小生境技术的供应商,产品主要包括石化行业专用的各种专利软件、监控及信息采集系统。公司设计研发的各种软件渗透于格瑞克上游钻井及采气、中游气体压缩及运输、下游天然气销售及现金收款等各个环节。 格瑞克运输及基建,在当前中国天然气市场需求不断增长的环境下,一个全面一体化的企业应不断提高其团队协作程度并增强其抓住市场机遇的能力。为实现我公司中游优组协作方案,我们计划开展独立的物流业务,以便将本公司的煤层气产品输送给相关客户。 格瑞克天然气销售公司是致力于CNG压缩天然气气站开发及运营的公司,它将协助山西柿庄南煤层气生产区块和最近收购的郑州燃气销售中心为公司创造效益。 Green Dragon is the parent company of Greka China, and is exclusively focused in gas industry in China. Green Dragon operates within China under its subsidiary Greka. Green Dragon is a gas supplier based in China with a focus on the production, development, production, distribution and sales of natural gas from coal seams, commonly known as coal bed methane or CBM. Our goal is to increase the degree of vertical integration in our operations. Greka China, a pioneer in the appraisal and development of CBM projects in China, generates our CBM supply from four projects in Shanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui and Guizhou province covering acreage holdings of a total of 7,589 km 2 and an estimated 22 Tcf of Gas In Place. CBM distribution from these projects to customers is mainly in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and to a lesser extent, via pipeline in the form of Piped Natural Gas (PNG). Greka China collaborate with CUCBM, a state-owned enterprise specializing in the niche oil and gas-related areas, in the development of our CBM reserves. Greka China has operational rights under the CUCBM Development Projects pursuant to production sharing contracts, PSCs with CUCBM. Greka Technical Services, an in house drilling division on CBM drilling rig based in Zhengzhou as our operational hub of our upstream operations. The five technically advanced drilling rigs are manufactured from United States and the hiring of 150 technical personnel. We has successfully hedged its exposure to rising drilling costs, availability of skilled crews and drilling rigs with GTS. Greka Manufacturing is profitable operating equipment supplier for CNG vehicles, service stations and other related activities. Our CNG dispenser carries the “Clean” brand has a current capacity to produce over 300 CNG dispensers in modular and can be expanded as the demand for CNG continues to grow throughout China. Greka Information Technology is a niche technology division providing proprietary software and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems for petrochemical companies. This proprietary software is required across all facets of our company’s operation from upstream drilling and CBM production, to midstream gas compression and transportation and the downstream gas sales and cash collection. Greka Transport and Infrastructure. We believe a fully-integrated company will further create synergies with our existing business and enhance our ability to capture opportunities made available by the expected growth in the demand for natural gas in China. To realize our synergy in mid-stream, we plan to establish our own logistics operations to deliver our CBM production to our customers. Greka Gas Distribution develops and operates Compressed Natural Gas (“CNG”) Service Stations. Our CNG stations sites are synergistic to our interest in the Shizhuang South coalbed methane production block in Shanxi as well as its recently acquired distribution centre located in Zhengzhou