职位描述/要求: 职位概述 Job Description 协助集团法务总监处理法律文件归档等日常行政事务 Assist Group Capability Head-Legal in handling legal documents retention and other daily admin work
应集团法务总监要求做特定项目的法律研究、整理并撰写完整的书面研究报告 Conduct specified legal research and re-pondering and draft complete written legal research report as requested by Group Capability Head-Legal
应集团法务总监要求,做好集团法务特定法律项目的联络工作 Assist in legal coordination on Group Legal Project as requested by Group Capability Head-Legal
协助处理法律文件的中英文互译工作 Assist in Chinese/English translation of legal documents
协助对新的立法、行政法规的追踪和研究,并撰写法律分析报告 Assist to track and research on new legislations and administrative regulations and policies and draft legal analysis report
协助初步审阅非重要商业文件和其他法律文件,并提供初步法律建议供集团技能总监-法务参考 Assist to pre-review non-significant business agreements and other legal papers and provide preliminary legal advice for Group Capability Head reference
本岗位实习生希望能每周工作4-5天,经集团技能总监-法务的同意可有适当的灵活性。实习期间希望稳定,并至少不少于1年。 The candidate is generally expected to work 4-5 days per week with some flexibility agreed by Group Capability Head-Legal and stably stay at the position for no less than one year