ANNA LICE(安娜.丽斯)的设计理念将东西方文化的精髓完美结合,以欧洲18世纪宫廷服饰元素结合现代时装设计风格,精细的花边、细腻的手工处理刻画出成熟女性的内心世界。ANNA LICE(安娜.丽斯)系列注重面料取材,以进口面料为主,讲究高质量的手工及剪裁,配以别出心裁的饰品类系列,令顾客选择货品时更得心应手。在现代时装理念的引导下,结合正装与休闲装的特点,既有上班时的大方感也有休闲时的舒适感,适合多种场合。精心构筑ANNA LICE(安娜.丽斯)品牌系列女装,体现现代都市女性时尚和品质的诉求,并赋予品牌更深的文化内涵。 (To combine the essence of East and West culture is the design theory of Anna Lice, 18th century European court dress element, Korean design style, fine bordering and elaborate handcraft portray the inner world of mature women to the perfect. Anna Lice enjoys careful material selection, mainly import materials. All contribute to customer satisfaction. Under the guidance of modern fashion design theory, Anna Lice is formal and casual, catering to various occasions.Carefully pose Anna Lice image, display the pursuit to fashion and quality of modern urban women and endow the brand with deeper cultural meaning。)