上海浩亚机电有限公司成立于2003年,是集贸易,工程实施,设计制造为一体的有限公司。浩亚机电位于上海安亭国际汽车城,占地面积1100平方米。本公司拥有多支具有丰富经验和专业知识的工程队伍,公司一直致力于电气自动化工程领域,并且与国内外诸多知名公司合作,完成了众多大型工程项目。公司拥有专业的技术人才及丰富的经验。在公司自身不断发展并取得骄人成绩的同时,也获得了诸多客户、合作伙伴的支持与信任。 Shanghai Higher Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd. was officially set up in Shanghai in 2003. It is an integrated group focusing on trading, engineering and design manufacturing. The company, covering an area of 1100 km² in Shanghai An Ting Auto City, has many professional and well-experienced engineering teams capable of carrying out all kinds of designing, installation, and commissioning etc. projects concerning automation and electricity. Shanghai Higher is consistently devoted to electrical & automation field, and has completed many projects in cooperation with many multinational or domestic renowned companies, through which the company grows rapidly, meanwhile, obtains support and trust from many of our customers and partners. 我们能够提供人性化的工作环境,多渠道的成长机会,公司现处于高速发展阶段,我们诚邀优秀人才加入。 有意者请将个人资料、近照发送至本公司信箱info@shhigher.com,请注明应聘岗位及期望薪资。