杰睿森市场营销策划(上海)有限公司(Jerryson Media Corp.)为独资的美商外资在中国大陆所设的分公司,总部在台湾,性质为一多元的營销策划公司,专为国内外之机械制造企业提供国际性整合營销规划,包括:影像传达、广告设计、企业识别管理与设计、多媒体制作、网际网路、国际贸易、国内国际展览等相关服务。公司由營销企划、视觉设计、网际网路、影像制作、多媒体、国贸、业务、客服等八大专业团队组成,为国内外企业拓展国内及国际市场,提供全方位的服务。成立十年以来,除了为外贸协会、机器公会指定的配合性媒体以外,并为多数上市制造业厂商规划国际国内市场的整合性行销;每年参加世界各地国际性大展35场、以及中国大陆65场展览,为国际及国内市场行销掌握最即时的讯息。我们希望网罗全方位人才,共同为国内外企业拓展国际国内的市场而努力。
Jerryson Media Corporation is a full-service integrated marketing and design firm, specializing in providing total media solutions for the Global Industrial Machine Industry . We are known as one of the Industry’s most innovative marketing and media firms, handling projects of globally renowned machinery manufacturers. We provide a range of unique and integrated services to help our clients achieve their objectives and our services encompass multimedia & graphic design, multimedia search services to integrated marketing planning and exhibition support. Jerryson Media Corporation began emphasizing multimedia in the mid 1990s, as a new and exciting advertising and publishing media. Our clients most appreciate our level of marketing awareness that only comes with years of working at major international exhibitions and along side teams of the world's best professional machine builders. We continue to stay ahead of the technology yet never forget our roots in marketing and advertising. That combination makes us unique. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and, as a team, achieveall your career goals.