德展国际(北京)展览有限公司(DEEXPO WORLD)是一家从事国际、国内大型展会展台设计承建与商业空间设计的资深专业机构,业务遍及世界各地,在上海、广州等地都设有分支合作机构和完善的国际化专业制作工厂。并与国内、国外的数百家展览公司、承包商建立起密切的合作伙伴关系。 DeExpo World (Beijing) Exhibition Co.,Ltd. is a senior specialized organization which is engaged in space design and exhibition booth design in both the international and domestic area. And we serve the worldwide customers, and have factories and branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou, which is equipped with the advanced machines. And more, we established the partner relationship with more than 100 exhibition companies from domestic and overseas. DEEXPO WORLD 2003年创立以来,秉持“国际化与本土化策略相结合”的理念,凭借一流的人力资源优势与设计施工品质,以严谨科学的管理态度,对社会及企业高度的责任感与使命感,为来自国内外不同行业的诸多著名企业和政府提供过专业服务,赢得了业界和客户网络的普遍赞誉,现跻身于国内最具竞争力的国际化现代化的会展公司行列。 Since our foundation in 2003, DEEXPO WORLD grasps “the internationalization and the localization strategy unify” idea, relies on the first-class human resources superiority and the design construction quality and takes the rigorous science's management manner, to the society and the enterprise high sense of responsibility and the sense of mission, as comes from the domestic and foreign different professions many famous enterprises and the government has provided the professional service, has won the field and the customer network universal praise, presently advances into the domestic most competitive internationalization modernization convention company ranks. DEEXPO WORLD今天的规模与成绩,源于我们坚信:“一个优秀的商业设计,在建造一个物质场所的同时,也提供了一个精神场所”!只有帮助他们实现价值才能实现自我价值。” 今后,DEEXPO WORLD继续以品牌化、专业化、标准化、国际化的承诺,通过我们别具一格的设计与服务,为客户的时尚演绎提供完美解决方案! DEEXPO WORLD today's scale and the result, stem from us to believe: “an outstanding commercial design, while constructs a material place, also has provided an energetic place”! Only then helps them to realize the value to be able to realize the self-value.” For the future, DEEXPO WORLD will continue by the brand, specialized, standardized, the internationalization pledge, will have a distinctive style the design through us and the service, will provide the perfect solution for the customer fashion deduction! 德展服务 空间设计:展览会主场承建特装展台设计及搭建商业空间与终端形象设计建造专卖店整体规划设计及制作商品形象 专柜设计制作博物馆设计建造售楼处等各类商务空间设计建造 平面设计:视觉识别系统的规划和设计企业宣传册制作 时尚摄影:活动拍摄画册拍摄 活动策划:各类会议商务活动策划实施展会活动宣传活动企业活动/经销活动巡展新闻发布会促销 其他服务:展品进出馆运输报关展品临时仓储展位预订AV设备及展具租赁